Friday, April 23, 2010

B.I.M Driftmaster

Another set of 17×9 OFF+8 18×9.5 OFF+12 BIM Driftmasters. I have no idea why these are so cheap on yahoo. This is the second staggered set ive bought for a bargain price these were 56,000Y


Nick said...

damn thats cheap, how much does it cost to get shiped to Australia tho?

Nigel said...

Bout $400ish to get them here.

Revgasm_Josh said...

ohhh man Nigel! your car is probably 1 of barely a handful of cars that can pull these off.

Nigel said...

Thanks mate, will have to see if it will. Love TEs but now every man and his dog are buying Rotas they are ruining the exlisivity of owning TE37s